Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Unbounce Acquires Snazzy AI: Never Write Copy from a Blank Page Again

Over the past year, lots of small businesses have struggled to carve out space for themselves in an increasingly competitive digital landscape. Even those that weren’t directly impacted by the pandemic are often quick to admit: It’s never been harder to attract and convert visitors online.

The reality, though, is the global health crisis only accelerated a trend we’ve seen developing for years. Your visitors have more options than ever. They’re bouncing more and converting less.

When we first started Unbounce, we pioneered the landing page space by educating marketers on a simple truth: Sending your traffic to a dedicated, campaign-specific page (rather than your website) leads to more conversions. Today, we’re acknowledging a new truth. Just having a landing page is no longer enough.

To maximize your results, you need to optimize your campaigns to match your visitors’ preferences and expectations—and analyzing Unbounce’s 12 years of conversion data, we know the best way to do that is through your copy.

That’s why we’re acquiring Snazzy AI, an AI content generator that takes the pain out of copywriting to help you create those optimized marketing campaigns way faster.

Why Snazzy AI Is a Perfect Fit for Unbounce

At Unbounce, we firmly believe that the way to succeed in this new competitive environment is through conversion intelligence. We’re using AI to create products and resources that—when combined with your own marketing intelligence—enable you to deliver more targeted, relevant digital experiences and launch the highest-converting campaigns possible. But to do that, we need to think bigger than just landing pages. Unbounce is evolving to optimize the entire conversion journey.

When we secured funding last year, our goal was to accelerate the delivery of our conversion intelligence platform. We expanded our team. We invested heavily in product development. And we started to pursue partnerships that would let us get powerful AI into the hands of small businesses faster.

Snazzy AI caught our attention when it launched in closed beta late last year. As one of the first (and few) copywriting tools utilizing GPT-3, it impressed marketers with its ability to quickly generate high-quality content for more than 90 use cases—everything from landing pages and ad headlines to product descriptions and nurture emails. Since its official launch in February, Snazzy has exploded to a customer base of over 30,000 users.

And there’s another thing we loved about Snazzy. The company’s “freemium” model aligns with our own goal to democratize AI for marketers at every level. (You can even try it for free right now.)

Unbounce research has shown that the written content of your landing page plays an outsized role in whether or not your visitors will convert. We’re already using our machine learning model to provide actionable, data-backed insights to help you optimize your content (like those in the Conversion Benchmark Report). By integrating Snazzy AI into Unbounce’s conversion intelligence platform, we’ll soon be able to generate the highest-converting copy for you—and in a fraction of the time it’d take to write yourself.

AI-Powered Copywriting: Less Work, Better Results

That last bit is important. From conversations with our customers, we know that (along with budget and expertise) one of the main obstacles that keeps marketers from optimizing is time.

You’re busy. Monitoring your ad budget, sending promotional emails, writing blog posts, managing social—there’s always another task competing for your attention. Building and launching just one landing page can be a tall order. Finding the time to analyze how that page is performing (let alone using your learnings to draft alternate headlines or calls to action) is often unthinkable. And because you don’t optimize, you miss out on conversions.

That’s where Snazzy AI makes a difference. Trained on an extensive data set of high-converting copy, Snazzy provides the best available generated content for every step of your campaigns—not just your landing pages, but your ads and emails, too. Just tell Snazzy a little bit about your business, then choose the type of content you want to create (like copy for a Facebook ad). It’ll give you a number of top-quality options to choose from almost instantly.

Bottom line: With Snazzy AI, you’ll never have to start from a blank page again—and that means you’ll have more time to focus on optimizing your campaigns.

What’s really exciting, though, is how Snazzy AI and Unbounce work together to get you better results from your marketing. We have more than a decade of conversion data that lets us see what type of content converts best for different audiences, based on factors like what industry you’re in, where your visitors are coming from, and what device they’re using.

Imagine: Before you start building your landing page in Unbounce, you tell us who your campaign is targeting—and we auto-populate your page with content optimized for that specific audience. You’d be confident you have the highest-converting copy before you even publish.

This isn’t a pipe dream. With our acquisition of Snazzy AI, these sorts of features are in development.

Try Snazzy AI for Your Copy—Totally Free

AI is already reshaping how brands market themselves online—and lots of small businesses have found themselves at a disadvantage. Big-name companies with the resources to make the most of new, data-powered technologies are able to predict visitor behavior and optimize the path to conversion. Meanwhile, marketers without these tools are working harder, spending more, and getting less.

We’re changing that with Unbounce’s conversion intelligence platform. We’re not only putting AI into the hands of every marketer—we’re using it to augment your expertise and help you grow smarter. And today’s announcement means it’s going to happen even faster.

To get a sneak peek at what’s coming, check out Snazzy AI for yourself. There’s a free plan, as well as a premium version if you want unlimited access—and with the browser extension, you can use Snazzy in Unbounce’s builder right now.

We can’t wait for you to experience what we’re building.

Via Marketing

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