Friday, September 25, 2020

8 Real Estate Landing Page Examples & Why They Convert

Just as real estate agents need to learn about each individual client to find ‘em the perfect property, real estate marketing requires offering up the right digital content to viable leads online.

Sure, that might sound like a tall order—especially when you don’t know exactly who is visiting your website or browsing your listings.

But that’s the beauty of landing pages. By creating targeted real estate landing pages for specific audiences, you can present the right message to the right people at exactly the right time.

When someone clicks on your ad—whether it’s for a real estate listing, platform, or service—they’re telling you that they’re interested in your offer. (Why would they click if they weren’t?) All you need to do next is show ‘em more of the same with a dedicated real estate landing page.

Wanna get straight to the examples? We get it—let’s cut to the chase. Jump down to the first one and find a little inspiration for your next real estate landing page.

What’s a Real Estate Landing Page?

A real estate landing page is a dedicated web page built around one specific conversion goal. A landing page is separate from the rest of your website and leads can only access it by clicking on an ad or email link.

Whether you’re looking to drum up leads, build your mailing list, or schedule bookings, real estate landing pages are the best place to send someone who clicks on your ad. “Why’s that, Unbounce?” Well, because unlike your website or a generic property listing, a real estate landing page is built specifically to match your ad and drive conversions with a relevant call to action (CTA).

Why Do I Need Real Estate Landing Pages?

If you don’t have real estate landing pages yet, you’re missing out on a whole buncha benefits. Creating a conversion-oriented landing page will help you:

  • Maximize your impact on targeted traffic. When it comes to driving conversions, a landing page is more effective than a basic page on your website. Think about it: if someone clicks on an ad for a Manhattan loft and it takes them to your home page, they might feel like you didn’t deliver on your promise—so they bounce. But if the ad takes them to a dedicated landing page built entirely around booking a private showing of that loft (i.e., around a single conversion goal), you increase your odds of closing the deal.
  • Build and grow your email list. With a simple lead generation form and enticing offer, you’ll gather more contact information that’ll make it easier to follow-up and nurture leads into clients.
  • Showcase properties in depth. Highlight specific aspects of new builds, rental units, or your real estate services that speak to a specific audience. Since landing pages are highly targeted and built around one CTA, you can focus on the details that appeal most to a targeted group of visitors.
  • Create a sense of urgency. There’s nothing like an exclusive sneak peek at upcoming listings or early access to pre-construction floor plans to get potential clients excited. Use real estate landing pages to present a time-sensitive offer that wouldn’t make sense to feature on your homepage—all without updating your website.
  • Accurately measure campaign results. On a general listing site, you can’t tell how effective your ads are because you don’t have access to those metrics. With a dedicated landing page, on the other hand, you’ll see where your traffic is coming from and what percentage is converting—so you’ll know exactly how well your ads are performing and can focus on the most effective channels.

The Basic Elements: How to Create a Real Estate Landing Page

While every landing page should be unique and match the campaign driving that’s traffic to it, there are a few things all effective real estate landing page examples have in common:

A single call to action

The one thing every landing page needs is a call to action (CTA). You’ve gotta tell interested leads what to do next. Your CTA should always support your conversion goal, so start by thinking about what you want to achieve with a particular campaign.

For instance, if your main goal is to generate new leads within a specific house-hunting budget, your CTA might ask visitors to answer a few questions about their down payment (along with their contact information). Or, if you’re lookin’ to book more appointments, you might encourage leads to select a time slot from your calendar and submit their phone number. Whatever the case, craft a single call to action that supports your conversion goal.

High-impact visuals

Real estate is all about selling a vision—so give your visitors something to feast their eyes on. Use visual content to show leads what you have to offer. Include lots of appealing images, like professional photos of properties, videos and virtual walkthroughs, and even GIFs (perhaps to showcase a panoramic view or preview your real estate tech).

Transparent language and benefits

Yeah, you want clients to get excited about a property, but it’s just as important to be transparent about your offer. By using clear, plain language to describe a listing, for example, you’re setting expectations and earning the trust of your leads. This is key when providing details like cost, location, and square footage.

Genuine social proof

Who better to convince leads to work with you than your already-satisfied clients? Featuring reviews and testimonials on your landing page is a great way to highlight your reputation and build credibility (as long as those reviews are genuine).

Even if you’ve built up a killer reputation in the industry, chances are that most of your leads don’t know much about you yet. By including a combination of awards and social proof on your landing page, you give potential clients a chance to learn about your expertise before they contact you.

We used machine learning to analyze the effectiveness of thousands of real estate landing pages. Wanna see what we learned? Check out Unbounce’s Conversion Benchmark Report and find out how to create landing pages that always make the sale.

8 Real Estate Landing Page Examples from Unbounce Customers

Now that you know the basics behind what makes a real estate landing page pop, let’s get into some examples that show these principles in action. These are all from Unbounce customers, selected for their impressive conversion rates, sweet designs, and creative lead gen efforts.

1. Flyhomes

Real Estate Landing Page Examples - Flyhomes
Image courtesy of Flyhomes. (Click to see the whole thing.)

Our first example is from Flyhomes, an agency that takes an “integrated” approach to helping clients buy and sell homes. Since their business model is a bit different than your typical real estate business, this landing page is chock-full of info that explains exactly what they do.

This page is also closely tailored to a location-specific audience: clients who want to enter the high-demand Seattle market. By offering to help buyers “beat competing home offers in Seattle,” Flyhomes speaks directly to a major pain point impacting their clients’ ability to buy—namely, bidding wars driving up real estate prices.

Flyhomes offers three ways to become a more successful homebuyer and each of these three “superpowers” is visible above the fold as soon as you hit the page. As you scroll down, Flyhomes establishes credibility by showing off their track record in the form of statistics, testimonials from clients (with names and photos), and their five-star status on Zillow and Yelp.

Aside from an option to visit the homepage if the visitor clicks “Flyhomes” in the top left (an alternative to bouncing for those who want more background on the brand), the page is built entirely around a single conversion goal. And by using the exact same CTA above the fold and at the bottom of the page, there’s no doubt as to what next steps should be—visitors only have one choice for how to proceed.

One of the biggest lessons to take from this example? 

Consider the story your landing page tells visitors as they scroll. Interlace social proof with benefits, providing more details as the visitor explores the page in-depth. Most importantly, maintain consistent messaging throughout. Make sure every section of your landing page is totally aligned with your brand and campaign.

2. Quarters

Real Estate Landing Page Examples - Quarters
Image courtesy of Quarters. (Click to see the whole thing.)

“Eyy, I’m convertin’ here!” This landing page for Quarters transports visitors into the heart of New York City with a powerful shot of the city skyline. Not only does this get them excited about living in the Big Apple, but it also immediately confirms what the landing page is all about. Paired with a descriptive heading, clear benefits, and inviting language that speaks directly to the target audience, there’s no question for leads that they’ve come to the right place.

The goal is here to attract individuals interested in co-living rentals in NYC, then invite visitors to self-vet by selecting which of the four communities they’d like to explore. To help ‘em make a decision quickly, each option is presented alongside an interior shot and relevant details about the property, including the price, location, amenities, and neighborhood description.

What can you borrow from this real estate landing page example?

Get creative in how you highlight property details and characteristics. We especially love the “Why Live with Us?” checklist on this page. It’s a quick, easy-to-skim overview of the perks and benefits those looking at co-living spaces care about most.

3. Sundae

Real Estate Landing Page Examples - Sundae
Image courtesy of Sundae. (Click to see the whole thing.)

This page does a fantastic job of positioning Sundae as a supportive resource for sellers who are in a tough spot. From the simple tagline and the “Sundae promise” to the repeated benefits (“Sell as-is. Pay zero fees. Move on your timeline”), potential clients are continually reassured that they’ve found a helpful home-selling partner.

Leads are required to enter a street address to proceed, but Sundae does a good job of minimizin’ friction with a drop-down menu that makes it easier to fill out the form. Requiring this key piece of information helps qualify leads by confirming they’re at least somewhat serious about selling a property. And, by revealing exactly where the home is located, it gives Sundae an address to research for easier follow-up and lead nurturing.

How can you apply this lesson to your own real estate landing page design?

Remove any barriers that might prevent leads from converting. Keep your lead capture forms simple and short to avoid overwhelming potential clients. In this example, Sundae is focused on discovery and asks for the address of the house being sold. So, rather than trying to learn everything about leads right off the bat, start with a low-effort ask that will help move sellers through to the next stage of your sales pipeline. 

4. TurnKey

Real Estate Landing Page Examples - TurnKey
Image courtesy of TurnKey. (Click to see the whole thing.)

TurnKey is a vacation rental platform, and here they’re offering to review potential client listings to generate high-quality leads. This page is effective because it’s built around one specific goal (building a list of vacation property owners who are currently listed on platforms like Airbnb and HomeAway) and provides a single path forward for interested leads (filling out the form to get a free listing review).

Even better, the CTA is stated in the main heading: “Schedule a Free Listing Review.” Without scrolling at all, visitors are greeted with the CTA, several well-known publications that have featured TurnKey, and a list of awards. To build on this name-droppin’ momentum, the page also includes a testimonial with the client’s full name, job title, and photo (to show that, yes, they’re a real person).

You can’t tell from this screenshot, but the image halfway down the page is actually a short GIF playing on loop. This is an easy way to show the platform in action so visitors can understand exactly what TurnKey offers and see how simple it is to use. 

What can you learn from this example?

Videos, GIFs, and interactive content can really elevate your real estate landing page. In this case, TurnKey created a GIF of their real estate platform in action, but this is just one example of how moving visuals can catch a visitor’s eye and show off what you have to offer. For instance, you could create something similar to preview a walkthrough, platform, or listing—and hopefully entice visitors to click n’ see the full thing.

5. Roomeze 

Real Estate Landing Page Examples - Roomeze
Image courtesy of Roomeze. (Click to see the whole thing.)

Roomeze knows exactly who their audience is and what they care about most. That’s why this landing page by Snap Listings places such a heavy emphasis on value. Both the heading (“Looking for a room?”) and the call to action are posed as questions, with the CTA hitting a very strong pain point for renters in NYC: “What can $1000/mo get you?”

To anyone searching for a clean, comfortable, affordable living space in New York, the idea of finding something under the $1K price mark is hard to resist. Plus, the interactive lead gen form sets Roomeze apart from the standard text-only questionnaire most rental companies ask tenants to fill out. It’s more interesting and it seems like less of a barrier to entry.

Feeling inspired by this real estate landing page example? Here’s how you can recreate some of the magic on your own landing page:

Lead gen forms don’t have to be boring, static text boxes. Experiment with visual forms that require different types of interaction, like a slider bar or multiple-choice checkboxes accented with fun visuals.

6. MyLondonHome

Real Estate Landing Page Examples - MyLondonHome
Image courtesy of MyLondonHome. (Click to see the whole thing.)

In this example, MyLondonHome used Dynamic Text Replacement (DTR) to show different variants of the same landing page depending on the region they were targeting. That means visitors in Central London would see different results than those from Canary Wharf or Vauxhall.

Since they wanted to show the same CTA (“Get a Free Valuation”) to visitors in different areas, using dynamic content was the most efficient way to present tailored offers without actually having to create and manage multiple pages.

Here’s what you should remember from this example:

Don’t worry, you don’t need to build five separate landing pages to target five different audiences. But you do need to tailor the experience to match the visitor’s expectations. Consider dynamically personalizing your page with DTR, or using A/B testing to see what copy converts best for different target audiences. The goal of your real estate landing page is to convert visitors into leads by convincing them to take action, so the more specific your message is, the better.

7. Minto

Real Estate Landing Page Examples - Minto
Image courtesy of Minto. (Click to see the whole thing.)

One of the first things we noticed about this page from Minto is the high ratio of images to text. Not only does every description have an accompanying visual, but images take up more real estate (heh) than text on this page. That’s important in an industry where emotion is such a big motivation for potential clients.

Minto uses a combination of images to tell the whole story of condo living in downtown Toronto. This starts with a rendering of unit interiors (a sleek kitchen and modern living space; a sunlit bedroom with balcony access), an exterior view of the building itself, as well as the lobby, lounge, and shared outdoor space.

How can you apply this to your own real estate landing pages?

The power of “showing” vs. “telling” is never more obvious than in real estate marketing. Don’t be afraid to lean hard into visual content to showcase your properties and paint the picture your clients are looking for.

Looking for even more real estate landing page design inspo? Browse our collection of customizable real estate landing page templates.

8. Destination Homes

Real Estate Landing Page Examples - Destination Homes
Image courtesy of Destination Homes. (Click to see the whole thing.)

We love this page from Destination Homes for its simple copy and design. There’s a clear benefit to filling out the form (“Be the First to Know!”) and there are no competing links or distractions. 

Below the fold, the messaging hits all the right notes and speaks directly to potential buyers by highlighting “what you value most.” Plus, they’re upfront about pricing (providing a range of $290-$320K, instead of just the minimum).

Though the development isn’t built yet, Destination Homes helps potential buyers get the full picture with a realistic rendering of the exterior, brief look at cozy interior brick wall, and a bird’s-eye view of the site location.

What you can learn from this example:

Landing pages can be used to drive interest well in advance so you can nurture leads before the build is even complete.

No photos? No problem. If the focus of your landing page is a pre-construction project, you can (and should) use other types of visuals to give visitors a glimpse of what’s to come. Renderings and maps can be super impactful when it comes to creating interest and getting leads to join your mailing list.

Create Beautiful Real Estate Landing Pages that Convert

Now it’s your turn to put real estate landing pages to work for you. Borrow inspiration from the examples above to customize your own design—or get a head start by choosing from one of our 100+ landing page templates.

Via Marketing

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