Tuesday, July 14, 2020

8 High-Converting Lead Generation Landing Page Examples to Inspire Yours

Ask and you shall receive, right?

Not so much when it comes to your visitors’ email addresses. You likely don’t have to look further than your own inbox to see why—there’s no shortage of companies ready to flood you with their latest and greatest offers. Which means people are wiser to marketing tactics and, understandably, more discerning than ever about who they give their contact information out to. They need more than a blank form field. They need to clearly see the value on the other side of that “sign me up” button. 

That value is communicated through more than just copy. (Though messaging is indeed very important! Signed, a totally unbiased copywriter.) The how, where, and why of what you’re asking is what creates a compelling overall experience for the visitor. One that shows you understand and respect their needs. And that you’re offering something really great to make trading their email a total no-brainer. 

It’s about showing and telling. And in the spirit of show and tell, we’re going to do just that. Below, you’ll find eight lead generation landing page examples from Unbounce customers that prove effective lead gen comes in all forms. 

Just getting started collecting subscribers? Read our step-by-step guide to building an email list from scratch.

Steal Some Lead Gen Landing Page Tips From These Clever Unbounce Customers

Vancouver Island University

Click to see VIU’s “Worth It” landing page in its entirety.

Vancouver Island University knows one of the biggest concerns for many students (besides dodging those 8:00 a.m. class slots) is paying tuition. And that said investment in education brings other concerns along with it, like which field or studies should they put that investment toward, and what’s their career potential once it’s been made?

Instead of leaving prospective pupils to figure it out on their own, VIU created the “Worth It” campaign centered around this lead generation landing page. Not only does it give students information to help answer those questions, it offers up a chance to win $2,500 credited toward their Fall 2020 tuition. And their nine percent conversion rate of nearly 35,000 visitors, which is well above the education industry median, proves their lead gen efforts are paying off. 

Making sure not to bury the lede, VIU focused on the clearest incentive—that sweet, stone cold cash—and put its entry form right at the top of the page. Surrounded by colorful graphics and laid over a photo of fresh-faced students gathered on a beach, a cheerful, people-centric message is instantly communicated, featuring the coastal Vancouver Island backdrop that sets VIU’s campus apart from others. So there’s already a huge value proposition served up in the hero section, before visitors even start scrolling to the rest of the goodies below.

Those goodies being a wealth of resources, delivered through engaging video, statistics, easily digestible summaries, and a straightforward Q&A format that voices common concerns students have followed by all of the programs, benefits, and opportunities VIU offers to help and guide them. As they continue down the landing page, more general and experiential benefits of a VIU education are showcased—like small class sizes, an inclusive community, and laid back “island life” on one of the world’s most beautiful natural playgrounds. 

The VIU team (of only six!) who worked on this campaign drove traffic through a number of channels, from paid advertising on Facebook and YouTube to social media sharing to traditional print ads at ferry terminals and their local airport. Not surprisingly, given the nature of their target audience, most of their traffic came from mobile devices.

“What helped us with conversion rates was that Unbounce is such a mobile-friendly platform. The bulk of the traffic generated for this campaign was from mobile. We had a lot of flexibility on how things were displayed on different screen sizes and this enabled us to better optimize the page and convert more leads.”

Christine Johnson, Digital Marketing Specialist, Vancouver Island University 

The bottom line—they crushed their bottom line. With a combination of audience insight, solution-oriented empathy, informational value, smart targeting, and an undeniably compelling call to action, they exceeded their original goal of 500 leads to bring in over 3,100. Which gives a whole new meaning to the “Worth It” campaign.


ckbk is a digital cookbook service that brings the world’s best recipes online, making classic and contemporary cookbook content available to members in one convenient place. As a subscription-based business, landing pages are key to ckbk’s marketing in order to grow their email lists and drive more signups.

Here, they’ve done something a little different than your typical lead generation strategy by incentivizing registrations with an extended free trial voucher. This landing page not only acts as a gateway for visitors to enter the code they’ve been given, referred, or seen promoted online, it also serves as additional advertising for all of the content and services they offer.

Which is exactly what makes this page so compelling—a showcase of benefits through messaging, video, testimonial, and imagery. Just below a warm and inviting hero image (anybody else craving some fresh-baked bread right now?) showing a real-life recipe displayed on a mobile device is a summary of membership value alongside a short promotional video. As you scroll down, the features and benefits—like diversity of recipes, filters for skill level and dietary requirements, the ability to create your own “collections,” and more—are plainly laid out to show visitors all the goods they’re in for and address any concerns or questions you may have before signing up. Complete with a bright, eye-catching (and mouthwatering) image gallery of just some of the cookbooks included.

They also clearly know just how important building trust is, especially depending on the level of information you may be asking visitors to share. Endorsements from award-winning chefs and travel writers, press from recognizable publications, and a note that a membership can be cancelled anytime—including during the extended free trial—all help to reassure visitors they’re in good hands.

PS. The fine people of ckbk have offered a voucher for any Unbounce blog foodies interested in trying out their service! Use “COOKBOOKSFOR30DAYS” to claim your extended trial here.


Commercial and industrial humidification and evaporative cooling products may not sound too sexy to the average bear—but the average bear isn’t Condair’s target audience. And with a conversion rate of 83% on this lead generation landing page for a free desktop hygrometer, they clearly know just what that target audience wants (to the tune of over 2,800 conversions).

This targeting is what makes Condair’s offer so clever as a lead generation strategy. Everyone loves to get a little something for free, but they’re not giving just anything away. Instead of a more typical “swag” item like a coffee mug or t-shirt—which, while still great, are more generic items any business can customize—they’re dishing out freebies that are perfectly aligned with the products and services they offer, and the wants and needs of their prospects. 

Visitors to this page are likely already problem aware, somewhat solution aware, and probably in some stage of evaluation. It’s super smart for Condair to offer a gift in exchange for their information so they can get in direct contact, and to use page real estate for additional form fields that help qualify leads instead of trying to dazzle them with superfluous design or slick photography that doesn’t hold much weight for their prospects. Instead, they’ve kept their offer and landing page itself simple, making space to ask the kind of questions they need to in order to best serve that individual. That said, they don’t go overboard with form fields—there are just enough questions to get a context for that visitor’s needs while keeping the visitor’s time, and value of their exchange, in mind. 

The benefit is three-fold: Condair gets a contact portal and wealth of data for prospects who may have otherwise anonymously left their site, a relationship is instantly established through reciprocity, and said prospects get a cool little present before they even become Condair customers. 

National Sewing Circle

The folks at National Sewing Circle (and their marketing agency, TN Marketing) are seasoned pros at effective lead generation. We’ve featured their work before in a post on great popup examples, and couldn’t pass up another opportunity to do so when we discovered how well this lead gen landing page was performing.

Don’t let that seemingly innocuous little carrot fool you—this page packs a serious conversion punch at 88% of over 3,400 visitors. Catering to a thriving and active community of sewing enthusiasts, they’ve chosen to offer a cute, fun, and broadly-applicable pattern with an incredibly low barrier to entry. Much like Condair in the previous example, National Sewing Circle understands the balance of give and take, asking only for an email address to “unlock your download.” From there, National Sewing Circle can nurture those leads through email marketing and show how much value they can deliver beyond this humble yet hardworking carrot.

And get this—it’s one of many. The simplicity of this landing page makes it extra easy to duplicate with minimal customizations, as well as giving it a clean, clutter-free appearance. And since National Sewing Circle knows there’s (usually) no such thing as too many leads, they’ve made it part of a themed package of individual patterns. The landing page below, also created in Unbounce, links out to each pattern’s respective download page, all with similarly high conversion rates.


Ueni, which provides marketing and advertising services to small businesses, proves anticipation can be a powerful thing with this relatively vague, yet high-converting landing page targeted at ecommerce clients.

One of the primary use cases for lead generation landing pages is drumming up excitement before a business, product, service, announcement, or whatever the case may be, has even come to fruition. It’s a way to get the word out early while building a list of subscribers, allowing you to gauge interest before going to market and create a more solid launchpad for when you do. We’ve used this strategy before for Unbounce campaigns, and I have to admit that launch day is a lot less nerve wracking when you already have a list of people who’ve essentially told you they’re excited to see what you’ve got.

In this case, Ueni’s applied a light hand in copy and design to beautifully capture a feeling of “mystery” while giving enough detail away to intrigue the right clients. Though the page may seem sparse, its polished design, saturated, high-contrast colors, and use of negative background space reflect their brand and a certain level of quality one can expect from them (even in its simplest form).

The copy is doing a lot of heavy lifting, too. In a handful of sentences, they’ve managed to communicate everything they need to about who this offer is for, why it’s great—as the headline claims—and what makes it special (exclusive access). It’s a strong case for swapping out nothing more than your email address. And at a 56% conversion rate, it seems a lot of people are already sold.

Learn the ins and outs of high-converting ecommerce landing pages from 27 real-word examples.

Frank & Dick

Frank & Dick is a digital advertising and media agency based in Oslo, Norway, that specializes in ecommerce for mid-to-large businesses. Lead generation landing pages are a recurring part of their client strategies, typically in combination with Facebook and Instagram promotion—and typically with much success.

Giveaways have proven to be a reliable lead generator, with two of their highest-performing pages represented here. They’re an especially smart tactic for ecommerce, given that you’re incentivizing prospective customers and promoting a product at the same time. 

The above example created for Blafre, which makes colorful accessories and water bottles for children, brought in over 8,000 new email leads by targeting parents whose children were starting kindergarten that fall with a chance to win a cute back-to-school package full of Blafre products. They used the same basic strategy below for another client, Bellas Hus, a clothing and home goods retailer—to equally impressive results at 80% of over 4,000 visitors converted

Frank & Dick’s winning formula is as straightforward as it is effective: a high-value giveaway package, enticing product photo, low barrier to entry, clear CTA, mobile customization, and thoughtful, granular targeting (oh, and making sure everything is GDPR-friendly!). Which is why they use it often, simply tailoring each landing page for different clients, products, and audience segments.  

“Unbounce is a very easy tool for us to build landing pages in a short time that usually convert much better than landing pages set up in our clients’ website platforms. Because of the possibility to build and customize these pages for conversion, [the process is] quite simple and super user friendly. And at the same time, [we’re able to] maintain our clients’ brand design and identity.”

Benedicte Ødegaard, Adviser, Frank & Dick

Australian Life Tech

With a dedication to health, fitness and nutrition, the small, nimble team at Australian Life Tech are all about results. And know that sometimes keeping things clear, simple, and action-oriented can be the best motivation. 

Their lead generation landing page for a Home Workout Pack for the 28 by Sam Wood program is a perfect example of this, currently converting at 91%. While it may appear particularly lean at first glance, therein lies its effectiveness—combined with thoughtful placement and strategic targeting. 

“We use [landing pages] to help personalize lead capture and conversion. This frees up our technology team to focus on other initiatives and ensures we can move forward with speed and confidence.”

David Jackson, CEO, Australian Life Tech

Their team complements core sales sites with landing pages tailored to specific promotions and customer segments, so they know visitors to this lead generation page are already familiar with their brand and services. A fluff-free landing page with clear and direct offer, aided by friendly, conversational copy and a bright, smiling photo is all that’s needed to get those leads rolling in.

Ready to Get More of Your Own Leads?

What works for others can certainly work for you—it’s really just a matter of knowing what makes the most sense for your business, what will best resonate with your target audience, and how to make that audience’s needs and experience a priority. A valuable offer, relevant messaging, clear CTA, and a little design flare is a solid place to start. (You can always optimize from there!) Start building your lead generation landing pages today with a free 14-day trial.

Via Marketing http://www.rssmix.com/

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